Monday, August 30, 2010

Two Down.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - Done.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets -Done.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - About to be Started.
Things from HP II I want:
  1. A Phoenix named Fawkes.
  2. A wand, I mean seriously.
  3. A House Elf.
  4. A castle in which to attend school, 
  5. and a tower where my dorm is, 
  6. and a round room with a four poster bed with curtains.
And a quote that always makes me smile
"What have I told you? 
Never trust anything that can think for itself 
if you can't see where it keeps its brain."

Thank you Mr. Weasley for those words to live by.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

One Down.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - Done.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - About to be started.

...After I do some Romans.  
I love Paul, but I kinda love HP a little more right now.  
Don't tell Jesus I said that.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

You May Remember

You may remember that I have recently fallen in love with Midnight Movies.  At least, Midnight Movies with tons of friends and of movies that I absolutely adore.  Twilight being one, and two of my Midnight movie experiences.  Both hilarious and memorable.

Number three is quickly approaching.  The first installment of the Last Harry Potter.  Ack!  Groan.  Ugh.  I cannot fathom that its all coming to an end.  The books are over, the story is done.  But it wasn't quite final, we still had the Book Seven movies to look forward to.  HP's days are numbered.  What will we do?

To gear up I just busted out the first book.  I'll re-read all the books before November 13th.  The movie doesn't come out until the next Thursday/Friday but on the 13th a few friends and I are going to have a super-mega-HP-marathon.  All six movies in one day.  Steve doesn't think it can be done.  We're going to try.

Be warned: if you are my friend for any period of time I will try to get you immersed in A) HP or B) Midnight Movies.  Sara knows this.  I'm pretty sure I've convinced her to come to our marathon and the movie the next week.  Her husband and mine have also been wrangled in to the Midnight Movie.  {evil laugh}

Sunday, August 22, 2010

I love....

I am completely in love with them right now, 
and will eat almost anything if one of the ingredients is Avocado.  



I have a my phone.
Let's just say that Avocado Gelato sounds gross,
But is, in fact, amazingly

Loved it.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I'm quite selfish.  I have everything and more.  And yet when I see others lives being blessed in unbelievable ways my response is anger.  Anger that things come so easily to others when I have to work for them.  Anger that I don't have everything I want and more.  

And yet, I don't know anything.  I don't know the struggles of the lives of others.  I don't know what they long for and want, or what has been sacrificed to get where they are.  I don't know the prices they have paid and sorrows they have experienced.

When I sulk, and whine, and whimper about my life and its shortfalls I am immediately shown examples in my life of people who have walked much harsher roads than the one I travel.

My trials seem infinite at times.  But mostly they seem like nothing, or at least I know they should seem like nothing.  

Blessing and honor and glory raised to Him who has given me everything.  Thanks for all that is my life.  I don't recognize Him nearly enough.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Mouse(s) - Round Three

Still no mouse catching going on here.  

But everyone seems to think there is something quite disgusting living in my house.  Rats!  An infestation of rats!  Or (O)possums.  Raccoons maybe.  I suggested a bear with the hopes that's not actually living in my basement.  And after I freaked out sufficiently about the rat thing Steve said maybe it was a bunny.  What kind of freaking bunny?  The Monty Python bunny?  Because no thank you.  Then he said fine, it's chipmunks.  Also, not okay by me.  If I am going to share my house with any animals it will be ones of my choosing.  e.g. a fish or a dog.  Both of which are continually vetoed by my loving husband.  Maybe next time I ask he'll think twice before telling me no.  Because apparently animals are going to live in our house whether they are given approval or not.  Boo!

I think it's time for elevation.  I'm not exactly sure how you elevate a war againt mice.  Especially smart ones.  Ones that set traps but don't die.  And eat bags of chips.  They are strong and smart.  Jerks.  Big giant jerks.  Only hopefully not.  Because giant would mean rat, possum, or raccoon.  Although if it's mice it's legions of them.  

Get out!
Next comes glue traps and inside melting food.  And possibly a cat.  But I'm thinking it will have to be a large and very fierce one.  From the the Zoo.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Lazy Monday...Every.Day.

I need to vacuum.  
And Dust.  
And clean the kitchen.  

I did this.  
And am about to start reading. 


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Mouse(s) - An Update

Shoot.  Steve just saw the destruction of the chip bag downstairs (I had, obviously, left it for him to clean up).  His response: "Well, there's definitely something in the basement." 

Ummm....what?  "Something?"  

He thinks the entire front of the bag being eaten off was too much work for a mouse.  So now I'm afraid of a presumably large, unnamed creature.  Crapola.


We have a mouse.  At least one.  Who knows, maybe there are several.  From the looks of the damage they are inflicting on my house, there is definitely more than one.  They are decimating my food like it's their own.  I first became aware of our four-legged-caper when I went downstairs a month or so ago to grab bags of sugar, flour, and bread flour.  There were cute little holes eaten through all three bags.  Requiring that I then go out and re-purchase all three.

We set traps.  Lots of traps.  We're talking almost a dozen.

Nothing.  Nada.  Just poop.  I think they're mocking me.

I went downstairs this morning to start some laundry.  I noticed a single tortilla chip laying on the floor.  How'd that get there?  My mind ran through several scenarios before remembering we had an extra bag of chips on the shelves at the bottom of our stairs.  There isn't even a hole in the bag, the entire front of the bag has been eaten off.  Along with all but a dozen chips.  That's a lot of chips for a tiny mouse.  Also, he likes honey nut cheerios.  A lot. 

Help.  Me.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

That's Me!

This is me getting baptized! Woo Woo!
Notice what Steve called my "stressed neck."  
At least I didn't vomit.
Super exciting!
The whole thing..not the not vomiting.

Yay for being baptized!
Now lets see if the amazing Rick Duncan can remember my name sans tag...

Also, again, a giant huge thank you to my amazing Community Group who came to watch me on my big day!  If you all weren't baptized already I'd totally offer to return the favor.  You'll just have to let me witness your next big life event.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Cheap Love

Have I told you that I love Aldi?  Because I do.  Here's why: I just got

Three Cans of Kidney Beans,
Two Cans of White Beans,
Two Green Peppers,
A Head of Iceberg, and
A Bag of Baby Mixed Greens

All for a miraculously low seven dollars and two cents.

It may not be fancy but it sure is cheap.

Monday, August 9, 2010

This Weekend

This weekend I had a Family Day with my Class from Work/School.  We went to the Zoo.  I was surrounded by my kids from work and their parents all day, and it was tons of fun.  If anyone got hurt, scared, lost, cried, hungry, tired, or anything else in all the world it was not my responsibility.  Score one for me.  

Steve and I went to the Dollar theatre...again.  We are really living it up there.  I am fairly certain that we've seen more movies at the Dollar theatre in the past few months than all the movies we saw in theatres in the first three years of our marriage combined.  It's crazy.  Also, we're so cheap-skate that I wasn't allowed to get a coke at the Dollar movies.  I was thirsty, I almost died.

Steve is apparently out with his one blog post of the summer.  Despite the fact that he has some ridiculous stories from work and life and such.  One such story: A guy came in this week and withdrew fifty cents from his account.  That's it.  Fifty Cents.  Wowzas.

I'm getting ready to make more soap.  Don't you want some?  We're rolling out first some Christmas scents (it has to cure for up to six weeks, so we're getting a jump start).  Then next we're doing a Milk and Honey Soap.  I can't wait for that one.

Monday, August 2, 2010

This weekend we lived it up like we're twenty-five.  Cause you know, we are twenty-five.  Day to day, we act about eighty.  We go to bed super early, we rarely go out, and we pretty much just hang out.  but this weekend was non-stop.

My ridiculously amazing, fast growing, beautiful, hilarious niece has been visiting my parents this past week.  I love her.  My mom brought Kameron up to visit me and Steve on Friday.  I love her.  I got off work early on Friday, came home and whisked Kammers off to the Zoo.  I thought the Zoo was open until seven during the Summer...turns out we were wrong.  We ended up seeing absolutely everything in the Zoo (almost, we opted not to go to the Northern Trek.  But we saw everything else, including the Primates and Cats [alllll the way up at the top of the hill], all the African animals, and the Rain forest).  We saw everything in an hour and a half.  Whew.  If you know the CleMet Zoo, you know what a feat this was.  It was blast and it was a workout.  

Here are the highlights of my whirlwind Zoo tour with my lovely and amazing niece.

This was in the Koala house.  Louisville doesn't have Koalas 
and Kammers loves them, so we spent some time in here.

Feeding Lorikeets!  We opted to go into the
Lorikeet house at the Australian exhibit and feed them!
I told Kameron the Steve never lets me feed them, and so we
tried it out.  This might have been a bit of a fib. 
Steve has let me try to feed them before. 
But they never much liked me.

They were totally eating out of my little cup thingy!
Tree of them ending up squabbling over who was going to get fed.
And then they stole my cup.

Kameron also loves monkeys.
This one was tiny and had a bit of a messed up tail.
We felt sorry for it.
It likes lettuce.  Iceberg.

So we went to the Zoo...and saw a squirrel.
In a cage.
I don't know how it got in there, but it's certainly not getting out.
It was one of the fattest squirrels I'd ever seen.

This picture is sideways.
I apologize.
Kameron loves Monkeys.
All things Primate.
Enter Rain forest and orangutans.
This one was pissed.

These ones were happy.

Yay for the Zoo and Yay for my Love, Kammers!

I'll talk more about the rest of our weekend later....for now it's late.