Sunday, August 28, 2011

Special Features

Update: Sony is totally sending us a new movie (once they get my old one)!  Amazing, yes?!?

I tend to put movies on whilst doing mindless chores.  Laundry, cleaning, etc.  Today I got out Casino Royale.  A never-before opened Casino Royale, in fact.  Two disc special and everything, you know with one disc for the main feature and another for the special features.  Only, mine had two special features discs.  No movie.  Foiled.  Also, what now?  Think if I email Columbia Pictures they'll send me a movie disc?  Yeah, didn't think so.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Do You Ever...

Do you ever look at your face in the mirror and think,
"Is that really what I look like?"


Steve is...    
  1. Fixing the Driveway
  2. Fixing the Chimney
  3. Trying to Fix my Dyson
  4. Making plans to build a pantry
I Am...
  1. Stuffing Diapers
  2. Putting together a Bouncer
We are...
  1. Waiting to have friends over for dinner

I'm pretty sure Steve's job list for today is far more impressive and more important than mine.  But mine is definitely cuter.  ;-)

Friday, August 26, 2011


Not that we get  a lot of blog traffic... but for the three of you reading this...

My lovely Meredith and her family are adopting from Ethiopia!  They're doing a fundraiser right now, and are in contest for some grant money.  Help them out!  They're already in the top five and need to be in the top three by Sunday to receive one of the grants. 

If you shop, pick Meredith's name from the affiliate drop down when checking out to make sure they get credit for your purchase.

Buy shirts, accessories, and even sheep!

Monday, August 15, 2011


Is it bad that in my obsessive organizing mode I've moved baby's clothes around in his drawers a few times already?  How do you organize tiny people clothes!?!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

I forget what this post was supposed to be about...

My browser crashed when I was writing this a few days ago.  There was funny stuff.  I promise. But now it's gone.  So all you get are our most recent pics of baby.  We had a truly amazing baby shower yesterday, it was wonderful.  Pics from that later.  :-) 

Thursday, August 11, 2011


I get all sorts of preggo related emails from sites I've signed up with.  Fun, Mostly.  Also, Lies.  Recently, one had a headline along the lines of "How much do children cost?"  Apparently it will only cost us a total of $161,000 to raise our child (from birth to the age of 18.  I don't believe that.  Also, childcare and education costs (for 18 years) came in at a whopping $2,000.  Again, lies.  I'm pretty sure I'd have a hundred kids if they cost so little.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


I never used to like peaches.  Until we lived about three seconds away from a farmer's market.  There, one amazing Saturday morning, I discovered Woolf Farm peaches.  Umm..heaven.  I haven't looked back since.  This morning I took a drive over to our old neighborhood to by some lovely peaches (and corn, and pastry's too). I might have gotten too many.... 

In other news, I'm in full out organize mode.  Which is super hard because I don't have anywhere to organize the clutter to.  We did put together the Baby's shelf in our living room.  It already has toys, books, and cutie cloth diapers stacked up.  I also put together baby's first piece of lounging furniture - a little rocker Steve picked out and essentially bought for free.  Woot woot.  Now I'm sitting in our living room surrounded by books I've decided we don't need.  The fact that I can't organize what I want to organize has led me to start organizing (ie getting rid of) stuff that I'd otherwise have left alone.  Don't know if that's a good or bad thing (Since most of the books I'm trying to get rid of are Steve's he's probably siding with bad...).

On to scrapbooking.  Full day.