Monday, December 13, 2010


Fortunately, the rats did not eat our ornaments.  Although, if they had been in our basement I certainly wouldn't have put it past them.  Our ornaments have been found!  Unfortunately, they're at my parents house.  And I won't be seeing them until after Christmas.  So we're making due without any of our meaningful, favorite, and sentimental ornaments this year.  I did seem to find at least a bit of my Christmas cheer - thanks to my new favorite Etsy vendor.  I'll try to hold onto it this time.  And maybe I'll find some more lurking somewhere else.  

In other news.  Our W&D are FINALLY on their way.  Twelve debacles later.  They'll be delivered and installed on Wednesday.  I'm pretty pumped to do some laundry.  Let me know if you have and you need done.  I have actually thought about how having a fancy new washer will be super helpful when we eventually have babies, all those cloth diapers gotta get clean somehow.  Right, Mere?  I don't know if it's actually true, but I envision my W&D having all sorts of fancy settings.   I'll be able to wash anything!

In more news, Steve is still meticulously filling in holes in the basement in an effort to keep the rats out.  We haven't seen anything new that's been eaten or chewed.  So who knows, maybe it's working.  Just an FYI though - people with rats in their basements (AKA Me) don't appreciate it when other people regale them with stories of how rats can eat through lead, and steel, and chicken wire, and hard foamy stuff you fill holes in with in an effort to keep out the rats.  That sort of information is counter-productive, and it keeps me awake at night.

That's all for now.  Except that one of my favorite (old) kids at work told his mom I was his favorite.  His favorite what, I don't know.  But I'm going with it. 

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