Sunday, December 12, 2010


Christmas is just around the corner.  And I couldn't be farther from having Christmas cheer.  I'm not to hepped up about the impending Holiday.  We haven't even decorated yet.  And I'm not really bothered by that.  We did finally get a Christmas Tree last night.  Steve picked it out, I kind of stood around.  Steve did a fantastic job getting it all up and straight and he even strung the lights.  I conceded to decorate the tree.  But our ornaments are lost.  They're not here.  They're not at my parents.  They weren't left at the apartment.  They vanished.  So any desire I had to get in the Christmas Spirit went out the window with our decorations.  All my favorite ornaments, all the ornaments Steve and I have gotten each other - gone.  So if you happen to see a box of carefully packed ornaments lying around your house, or in the street, or in your trunk, or anywhere really, they're probably mine.  And hopefully when they're found my Christmas Spirit will be tucked inside the box with all my favorite ornaments. Until then, our tree's a little bare.

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