Saturday, January 8, 2011

Did You Know...

...Betta fish are apparently picky eaters.  

Firstly, Did You Know we have a Betta?  He's our first official pet.  I've been begging for a puppy.  That wish is pretty much dead in the water.  So I started begging for a fish.  Steve said they were a dumb pet because they don't do anything.  But I finally won out, and we have a fish.  His name is Blu Manchu.  Blu Man for short.  Steve named him.  It's pretty funny.  We think so anyway.

So back to the eating thing....  I had read that Betta can be kinda picky about food when we first got Blu Man.  But he seemed to do just fine with eating.  Until earlier this week.  I ran to the store to get him more food, and just grabbed some pellets.  Well, apparently they're different pellets than we got before.  Dumb fish (I say that with all manner of love and affection) hasn't eaten in three days.  I'm getting worried.  I hope he eats soon.  I also think at this point even if I went and got him his other food, he wouldn't like that now anyway.  He's acting like a petulant child.  But he sure is cute.  I've been saying fishy prayers for him to get over his new food anxiety pretty soon.  I hope it works.

Also, I shared the fishy gospel with him pretty early in our relationship.  So expect to see Blu Man in a gorgeous bowl in my heavenly castle.  He'll totally be there.  And he won't be picky about food anymore.

Isn't he adorable?  He got a few plants for Christmas, and is totally loving them.  And yes, I'm a little nutty about our fish.  Alan (Steve's Dad) said he would never have expected someone to interact so much with a fish.  But I swear he knows me, and his food bag, and gets all excited when you spend some time looking into his tank talking to him. 

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