Wednesday, July 14, 2010

How Far Can Your Husband Jump?

As previously mentioned, we love the Zoo.  We love the Zoo even more when we are with friends.  We love being silly at the Zoo, and just generally goofing around, laughing, and being ridiculous.  Our first Zoo trip of the season was with our amazing friends Matt, Meredith, and their son Gabe.  I love them, seriously.  In case I haven't gushed enough, Gabe is the happiest, smiliest baby I've ever met.  Adorable.

We had tons of fun walking around seeing all the animals, but seeing animals wasn't the highlight of the day.  The highlight came we when were int he Australian Outback.  There's a little set-up there depicting how far a Kangaroo can jump.  It compares how far different animals can jump and just how they stack up to the Kangaroo.  Mere and I strongly encouraged our husbands to give the whole thing a whorl.  I'll let you be the judge on how that turned out!  (Notice that they had to confer with each other and pictures to get it all worked out in there heads.  There was much discussion of approach, style, length, and just what kind of child could jump six the sign claimed.)

These are several of Matt's attempts at jumping, he took the running start, no shoes approach.


Steve apparently needed a bit of a break  before trying out the whole jumping thing.  He stood under the spraying water to get get his jump face on.He then proceeded to try out a few different jumping styles.  Running start versus standing jump...honestly, both were ridiculously hilarious to watch.

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