Thursday, July 28, 2011

Glucola is not my friend

Today, in the span of about thirty seconds I drank a bottle of orange sugar.  It tasted as though there was a week's worth of sugar intake crammed inside those eight orange-y ounces.  Then I promptly felt sick for a few hours.  Which was not aided by the fact that the little guy I'm currently housing was bouncing off my uterine walls from all the sugar.  Seriously, little guy went for a solid hour, kicking and punching every inch of me he could reach.  I think he experienced more sugar intake today than every previous day of his existence put together.  Wow.  All I'm saying is if I didn't have gestational diabetes before, I'm pretty sure I have it now.


  1. I have had green, orange and red. I think red is the better of the 3, green being the worst!!

  2. Oh yuck!!!! Hugs! And now you know how little boy will respond to sugar... keep it away from him once he's born!

  3. Court, I'll ask for flavor options next time! And Mere, you mean I shouldn't give him icing or some such when he's a tiny babe? Dag, I thought I had his diet all figured out....
