Thursday, April 19, 2012

We're Back (Hopefully)

Well, it's been a very long time.  We're great, how are you?  Things were going along swimingly.  I felt as though I had everything sorted out.  The whole working Mama, finding time to do everything, and keeping my sanity thing was going great.  And then little Eli decided to celebrate being on this earth for four and a half months by making me go crazy.  He stopped sleeping.  Began screaming every time you put him down for nap.  Didn't have a dirty diaper for almost a week.  And I lost my mind.  Everything seemed to come crashing down.  I double and triple booked appointments.  Forgot about plans with friends.  Couldn't keep up on work papers.  And basically stopped texting, talking to, and communicating with everyone.  Things are slowly getting better.  Eli got his insides together.  We're working on the nap/staying asleep thing (This involves lots and lots of crying.  We're trying to teach the little mister to self-soothe. He had it down, but apparently forgot what it was all about.  Also, his current crying record is upwards of two hours.)  He's getting better though.  I hate every minute of it.  I'm trying not stress about it though, turns out babies change all the time.  I just would rather spend time loving on my little man versus blasting fans and music and the TV to try and not hear his heart-breaking sobs.  I won't bore you with all the mundane things we've been doing, just a few pictures (Several of which show off Eli's favorite facial expression: huge-silent-excited-open mouth).  And a vow to try and do better.


1 comment:

  1. He is absolutely precious! I love the pictures and am so glad that everything is starting to smooth itself out a little bit more. You can do it pretty Mama... one day, one hour or one minute at a time. Love you!
