Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Hands and Feet, Milk and Wool

I officially have a Christmas goal: raise enough money to donate a flock of sheep to needy families in a third world country. 

"The miracle of Christmas was first announced to shepherds watching their flocks. Help create another miracle b
y providing an entire flock of woolly and wonderful sheep for children who need milk and warm clothes."

Bring on the fundraising ideas, people. For a donation towards purchasing a flock of sheep I will cook a meal for your family, make you some cute hair clips, make you a mini-scrapbook, read you a bedtime story, or any other reasonable suggestion you have. 

I'm determined to be the hands and feet of Christ this Christmas. Let me know if you're on board.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Brilliant Boy

Eli is already thirsty for knowledge. As evidenced by his perusing our trusty Websters Dictionary. He's definitely a boy after our own hearts, his examination (read: tearing out and tearing up) of the dictionary was focused on "ecumenical" and "economic." Thanks for having an early interest in our areas of study, son. You make your Daddy and Mama proud.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Hello!  It's guest-post Tuesday.  Didn't know Megan had a guest-post segment?  Well she didn't know either, until today.  And it's me.  Basically, I'm a big fan of Abel-Bodied, Abel-Minded, but there haven't been too many posts recently and seeing as I'm currently staying at home with my kiddos I have plenty of time to bother help Megan with her blog.  And today, I decided to do something about it.  I decided to help a sister out and get her blog back on track. Sure she's working all the time and taking care of a handsome 11 month old...but blogging is a must for those of us who are fans of such an adorable blog.  Are you with me?

So, I'm Jen.  I live in Cleveland near-ish Megan.  I blog over at Medvedtown.  

If you read Megan's blog, you're probably wondering about Eli.  Well, here are the highlights.
Eli continues to get cuter by the month. He still doesn't have a ton of hair, but the ladies love him regardless.  He's a great eater.  And by great, I mean, nonstop.  That kiddo can put away some serious food...yet is still super slim.  (darn boys get all the luck).  He was a fantastic crawler, but currently prefers furniture walking.  He's oh-so-close to walking and will even stand (freestyle).  He's a very good sleeper (mostly) and is working on teeth.  None yet.  
Here's Eli in our swings in July:

Megan will be back soon (I hope).  If not, I'll have to hijack her password and blog for her again soon!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My lovely husband literally just saved me from a giant bee. Yay Steve!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Eat Eat Eat

This boy needs to eat more. Apparently he's a bit scrawny...so this Mama is going to beef him up. Bring on the fatty (fiber-y) foods!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I made a promise to a friend today, a promise to raise Eli to be a caring, thoughtful person. I want Eli to think before he speaks, say kind things about and to others, and to bask in the knowledge that we are all different and were made by the Creator of all things to be exactly what we are. Here's the catch - I need to do better with these things as well. My dear friend said "children learn what they see." How true. So I need to show my precious son that only kind words will do. Name calling will never be tolerated. And I need to demonstrate these principles by doing them more myself. I'd ask you to help keep me accountable in my venture. Not only for Eli's sake, but for my own. For the joy and happiness that comes from walking more closely in God's will for me. His will for me to show love and kindness to those whom he loves. Here's to making an effort to think more before I speak, in the hope that Eli will one day do the same. T -is it true? H - is it helpful? I - is it inspiring? N - is it necessary? K - is it kind? Feel free to call me out when I speak unkind words. I'm sure I'll be embarrassed when it happens, but Everyone deserves to be spoken to with kindness.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Shower gift

Ann! Look, I made a towel cake for a shower - just like you showed me.

Friday, June 1, 2012

It was bound to happen

Steve was running a bath for Eli upstairs and I had E downstairs getting him ready. I undressed him, took off his dipe, stood him up on my lap and uttered a few fateful words..."Don't pee on Mama!" Any guesses as to what happened immediately following my utterance??? Yeah...

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Big Weekend

Eli had a big weekend, whew.  We came home on Friday and jumped right into things.  On the list were eating new veggies, eating a rice husk for the first time, toying with a sippie cup, and wearing his cool shades outside.

This one is my favorite, I caught him mid-chew.  Hilarious, right? 

  When he overshoots his mouth and the nipple hits him in the forehead, 
he just drags it down until it goes in his mouth.  Perfect technique, yes?

Saturday we woke up and got things started right away.  Daddy built him a fort, we took him to a studio to get his six month pictures, we took a nap, woke up and went to the zoo for the first time as a family!  Yay!  He was so tuckered out, it was an all around fantastic day.

 I was only allowed in to take a quick picture.  They've already started on the no girls and all thing.

 I wish I had a funny caption for this one, but couldn't think of any. 
Name that photo contest, anyone?

 I took several pictures from Eli's perspective in his stroller.  haha.  
This is how he saw the rhinos.

 I think his favorite part of the day was sitting down to have some milk, and a rice snack.  Mmmmm.

E's jogging stroller is the perfect height for the self-timed camera photo.  Yay family!

Friday, May 11, 2012

I know it's True

Tuesday, May 8th our first babe should have turned one.  Last year, May 8th fell on Mother's Day.  I might have been a bit of a mess.  While I was overjoyed to be pregnant with little Eli, I kept thinking about that fact that I was spending Mother's Day mourning a baby that I should have been bringing into the world that day.  I thought I'd be in the same mournful sate this year.  As the Day drew closer I made sure to dread it's arrival.  I kept waiting for grief to sneak up on me.  And while I did my fair share of wishing I had two babies here and now to hold, I spent most of my time thinking about the amazingness that is Heaven.  

You see I know two things beyond a shadow of a doubt.  I have no clue how both of them can be true, but they are.  It's a mystery, one of those things you take on faith.

The first thing I know is that my sweet darling is growing and learning and loving Jesus in Heaven.  She just had the most amazing birthday party this week.  A cake with an adorable bunting banner, and hundreds of other loved baby friends surrounding her.  She sits with Jesus every day, and he loves her like no one else can.  He relishes every smile and coo and word that she learns.  He helped her take her first steps and caught her every time she fell.  He knows all of her favorite foods, and books, and songs.  And he sings sweet lullabies to her every night as he rocks her to sleep.  He watches her sweet face as she dreams, and whispers our love in her ear.  She is loved, and growing, and perfect in every way.

I know that each year she'll learn more and more in the arms of her Savior, as she grows from baby to toddler, child to teen, and into a perfect young women.  But I also know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the moment I get to heaven my Jesus will hand me my tiny, perfect, baby girl to hold in my arms.  And I will get to watch her grow and learn and love Jesus for myself.

I will sit with her every day, and love her as best I can.  I will relish every smile and coo and word she learns.  I will help her take her first steps and catch her every time she falls.  I will know all her favorite foods, and books and songs.  And I will sing sweet lullabies to her every night as I rock her to sleep.  I'll watch her sweet face as she dreams, and whisper my love in her ear.  She is loved, and perfect in every way.  Now and always.  Here and for eternity.


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Baby's First

double ear infection.  *sad face*

Monday, April 30, 2012


Eli's hair came in all of a sudden...

Friday, April 27, 2012

Buckle up

Eli might have taken a header out of his bouncy last week. turns out mister can pull himself to sitting in it now. I guess we'll be buckling him up from now on.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

More notes to self

If you make Eli laugh super hard whilst eating food he will spit it all over your face. Just in case you were wondering.

Monday, April 23, 2012

No Words

This is my baby.
slightly chunky
6 month old
15 pound baby.

This is Faith.
in dire need
14 year old
14 pound teenager.

You read that right.
Faith is 14 years old.
Faith weighs 14 pounds.

What were you doing at 14?
Faith is laying in filth.
Muscles atrophied.

Until Now.

They have heard the call to adopt several times before, but never like now.  
They love Faith as she is, and want nothing more than to get her home as quickly and safely as possible.  Adeye and Anthony are holding a fundraiser and taking donations to get their sweet little lovie home.

Any money raised above the funds Adeye and Anthony will need to bring Faith into their home will be given to the 200 other orphans in Faith's orphanage.  200 orphans are wasting away in deplorable conditions next to Faith.  We're chipping in and spreading the word.  The Lord has spoken to our hearts, and we're doing what we can, however meager and small.  Friends, will you consider doing the same?  Every penny and every word is more than these children have ever received before.

Scroll to the bottom of this post to help out

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Yeah baby

Check out me and mister rockin out the ergo baby from my mother in law and sister in law. They knew typical baby carriers haven't worked for me and my busted back. So they got me the baby carrier of all baby carriers. I still need to make a few adjustments with the straps but so far it's very promising! mister and I even walked around the block the other day...both in our awesome shades of course. thank you Ann and Court!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Note to self

Do not blow giant raspberry on naked baby's belly. It might result on getting massively peed on. And by might I mean will.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

We're Back (Hopefully)

Well, it's been a very long time.  We're great, how are you?  Things were going along swimingly.  I felt as though I had everything sorted out.  The whole working Mama, finding time to do everything, and keeping my sanity thing was going great.  And then little Eli decided to celebrate being on this earth for four and a half months by making me go crazy.  He stopped sleeping.  Began screaming every time you put him down for nap.  Didn't have a dirty diaper for almost a week.  And I lost my mind.  Everything seemed to come crashing down.  I double and triple booked appointments.  Forgot about plans with friends.  Couldn't keep up on work papers.  And basically stopped texting, talking to, and communicating with everyone.  Things are slowly getting better.  Eli got his insides together.  We're working on the nap/staying asleep thing (This involves lots and lots of crying.  We're trying to teach the little mister to self-soothe. He had it down, but apparently forgot what it was all about.  Also, his current crying record is upwards of two hours.)  He's getting better though.  I hate every minute of it.  I'm trying not stress about it though, turns out babies change all the time.  I just would rather spend time loving on my little man versus blasting fans and music and the TV to try and not hear his heart-breaking sobs.  I won't bore you with all the mundane things we've been doing, just a few pictures (Several of which show off Eli's favorite facial expression: huge-silent-excited-open mouth).  And a vow to try and do better.


Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Darling, you are officially Four Months old!  I truly cannot believe that four months ago you turned our world upside down.  We certainly lucked out with you.  From day one you have been a happy, smiley, calm, all-around-pleasant boy.  At Four Months you can roll over from belly to back (Although you absolutely choose when and where you accomplish this feat).  Sometimes you can almost make it from your back to your belly.  You get over on your side, but your legs are normally furled up and so you just fall back to your back after a few moments.  

These latter "almost rolls" usually happen when you're nakie.  Being naked is one of your absolute most favorite things in the world.  Daddy and I let you hang out nakie in the mornings or at night to get you all aired out and let your baby buns dry.  Also, because it's hilarious to see how happy you are.  You are (almost) never more active than when you're without clothes.  You kick and squirm and wave your arms and wiggle like nothing else.  I adore it.

You make all kinds of noises and talk to us, we love hearing your version of the story.  You know all your vowels and have started working on the important consonants.  

You know how to laugh, cute little baby laughs.  Sometimes you want so much to laugh or talk, but you just can't get any noise out.  You open your mouth as wide as can be and bobble your head around, eyes gleaming.  It's amazing to see you so happy.

You sleep a solid 10-12 hours for Mama, and she is forever grateful.  It only took a few nights of letting you fuss/cry to get here.  It was sooooo hard.  I hated hearing you so sad in your room.  But I'm fairly certain everyone is the happier for getting to this stage.  

We haven't been reading quite as much as when we were home together all the time.  But when we do read it's normally from your giant, colorful bible. You kick at the pages and stare at the colors.  I love sitting with you and reading about God and his people.  We're steadily working our way through the Old Testament right now, maybe next year we'll get you on a bible reading plan.  ;-)

Can you see that you also know how to raise your eyebrows?  You have a hugely expressive forehead.  Your brows go up all high and you get old man wrinkles.  Sometimes you even quizzically raise one eyebrow,  Every time I feel as though you're asking "Really now?"

We're still right on track with all of your month/week pictures!  You are getting funnier with them too.  You like to crinkle your papers and you almost always smile now.  Daddy and I make absolute fools of ourselves for several minutes, even after we get a few good shots of you - because we love so much to see you smile.  Your eyes get so big and your mouth opens so wide!  You sit up really well in the corner of the chair now...mostly.  hehe.  This time, after a few minutes you started to   
 s l o w l y  
fall over.  It was hilarious.  You kept inching sideways, a huge grin on your face the whole time.  "Hey Guys!  Look at me!  I have no idea what's happening, but I'm happy about it!"

I love you, darling.  Happy Four Months!  I cannot wait to see what you do next!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Daddy Time

This is what happens when Eli hangs out with his Daddy...
He ends up with a
flower mirror, 
and a twisty link toy 
all in his hands at once.

Apparently this is how boys play.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

What to Do

What is our roll in the orphan crisis?  Each one of us is absolutely commanded to fight for orphans, but what are we actually doing?  I know without a doubt that I need to find my way to speak for these children.  If we don't stand up, who will speak for them?  I look at my sweet darling son and it simply breaks my heart to think of all the little lovies out there without someone to love them.  Even if you don't feel the call to adopt a child into your own family, there can be no ignoring the command to care for orphans all the same.  Will you join me in finding a way to advocate for fatherless?

Isaiah 1:17 "Defend the cause of the fatherless.."

Proverbs 24:12 tells us, "Once our eyes are opened we cannot pretend we do not know what to do. God, who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls knows we know and holds us responsible to act."

Sunday, February 12, 2012

One Big Update

So Apparently I like falling behind on blogging and then just cramming a whole ton of stuff into one post.  Whoops.  (Mere, this is a week late - but it has way more than three pictures in it, hopefully that counts.  hehe)

So here Goes..

 This Was Monday February 6th.  Little man decided it was party time all night.  He was up for keeps around 4:30am.  And then fell asleep hardcore at the precise moment I needed to put him in his carrier to get going to work.  Awesome.
 We've been doing lots of tummy time and Mister is getting super good at the whole thing.  Did I say last time that he can roll over from front to back?  I can't remember if I told you - but he can.  ;-)

 He's also decided that sucking on his fingers slash thumb slash entire hand is a good idea.  He really gets going and it's the loudest noise.  But hey, if it keeps him happy
Monday the 6th also marked Eli's first laugh!  Yay!  He did it the very first time when I was nursing him the morning at school.  We were done and were just chatting for a few minutes before heading back to his room and he let out a little giggle.  He did it a few more time when were talking at home that evening as well.  Apparently talking to me is amusing. 

We had you dedicated this weekend at Church!
I was ridiculously excited that I got to dress you up in your old man sweater.  Complete with elbow patches and a dachshund.  We even added shoes!  You had old man loafers!  It was the first time you've ever worn shoes in your life.  Daddy "walked" you on the floor - apparently if you wear shoes then clearly you should be capable of walking.  Or something.
Pastor Chad did the dedication.  We got to dedicate you alongside your buddy Benjamin.  I was so excited to be up there with our friends Luke and Anna.  Benjamin also got the memo about wearing awesome duds - he was sporting a rockin' stripey jacket.

 You let Pastor Chad hold you and show you off to everyone.  You even let out a little coo as he was finishing.  hehe.  It was cute.  Chad also loved that you and Benjamin both have strong biblical names.  Yay!

Praying for you and for God's blessing on your life.

I was so happy to have so many of our amazing friends there to watch you today.  It's such a blessing to be surrounded by this amazing group of people.  We just love you and we love our Community Group.  These guys prayed with us for so long about you, we're so grateful for them.

Mimi and Papa got to come up this weekend to come to see you.  They were so excited and we were happy to have them spend the weekend with us.  You showed them how you talk and drool all the time.

Our friend Amy was super excited too.  She gave your dedication a thumb's up!

And finally, the whole affair pretty much wiped you out.  You passed out after about three seconds in the car (And then promptly refused to continue sleeping once we got home.  I would really prefer if you'd decide that naps are not the enemy.  Not napping really stresses Mama out.  Although you have been sleeping through the night, so I guess I should count my blessings and not look a gift horse in the mouth and all that jazz.  But still.)