Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Hands and Feet, Milk and Wool

I officially have a Christmas goal: raise enough money to donate a flock of sheep to needy families in a third world country. 

"The miracle of Christmas was first announced to shepherds watching their flocks. Help create another miracle b
y providing an entire flock of woolly and wonderful sheep for children who need milk and warm clothes."

Bring on the fundraising ideas, people. For a donation towards purchasing a flock of sheep I will cook a meal for your family, make you some cute hair clips, make you a mini-scrapbook, read you a bedtime story, or any other reasonable suggestion you have. 

I'm determined to be the hands and feet of Christ this Christmas. Let me know if you're on board.


  1. Love, love, love this!!! Hmm... how can I utilize Meg's millions of skills...

  2. Yay! This makes me so happy. You know I'll do anything for you, dear!
