Friday, February 3, 2012

We Made It.

Eli and I made it through our first week at school.  Yay!  Eli is exhausted (As evidenced by the fact that he's been "napping" since 4:30 and it's not 8:00ish.  I have a feeling he'll be up and ready to party around 3am.)

I'm so grateful for his lovely teachers so far.  They dote on him, call me when he's ready to nurse, and tell me everyday how adorable/easy going/smiley/curious he is during the day.  It makes this Mama so excited to know that he's being loved on and appreciated during his time away from me.  All four of his teachers were super receptive to the idea of cloth diapering...and persevered through a rocky start.  I was expecting a few leaks the first week - it does take a little bit to get the grasp of changing a CD (especially when you've changed ten thousand disposables).   Monday he had one leak/outfit change.  Tuesday - two.  Wednesday - FIVE leaks and subsequent wardrobe changes.  Whoa.  I was wracked with guilt over the fact that here I am asking his sweet teachers to do something out of the norm for them (To my knowledge I'm the first at the daycare to ask about cloth diapering) and here it was making so much more work for them.  I assured them things don't go like that at home and said I'd work on a solution while at home Thursday.  I got home and immediately consulted my CD guru - Mere.  Whew.  Thank you so much for doing all the legwork and being so helpful at troubleshooting!  We talked about what to try and settled on starting with using a larger insert for my growing babe.  Success!  We made it through all of Thursday with no leaks.  This morning I told his teacher that we had tried a few new things, and asked if I could demo how to change his diaper - just to be able to give a few hints on the whole process.  I think the combination of the larger inserts and giving some visible tips helped.  Little Mister came home in the same (Awesome - who doesn't love a baby in an Argyle sweater?) outfit in which he started his day.   Yay!  I'm so glad that his teachers weren't frustrated with me yet and that we could have a successful CD day.  Here's hoping that today's trend sticks around for next week (and all the weeks after that too...hehe). 

And just because he's a cutie, a picture of my Mister chatting up his sheepy.  
His teachers said they could tell that we practice tummy time at home because he does it longer than any of the other kids.  Yay!  And here I was thinking that he didn't put up with it very long.  Way to go, Mister.


  1. I'm so glad I could help you out!! And I adore how you call Eli Mister... so sweet!


  2. hehe. I do! I call him Mister all the time. hehe. Basically I love him a lot.
