Friday, October 8, 2010

740' Above Sea Level

When the following took place I laughed like a little girl.  And Steve laughed like big burly man.  I instantly told Steve if I could figure out how to blog the scenario I would.  Here's my attempt.

[A bit of background (possibly unnecessary).  A while ago we visited my aunt and uncle, who always feed us exceptionally well.  They are known for loving good food.  They shared with us some absolutely amazing cheese that happens to be one of my aunts favorites.  This past Wednesday whilst at Trader Joe's we spotted the very same cheese.  It was immediately added to our cart.]

Later that evening Steve was upstairs getting a movie set up for us to watch while I got together the cheese, crackers, and wine.  I might have a had a bite of cheese before taking it up to Steve.

We were talking about the difference in taste from when we had partaken of this particular cheese with my aunt and uncle.  I remarked that I was surprised because it seemed different from when I had tasted it downstairs.    His immediate response: "Maybe it's the altitude."

I almost died.  It was far more hilarious than it sounds here.  Just saying.

FYI: We decided the cheese tasted different because upstairs we were eating it with crackers and downstairs I had a bite sans cracker.  Who knew?

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