Monday, July 5, 2010

Down Up Down. They've got nerve!

I'm sitting here are looking at three light switches directly across the room thinking "what the heck do I have to write about on a blog". Unfortunately I don't have the answer so we'll see were that takes us on the blogging road trip. It does however bring up an irritation I have with light switches, more particularly the dual control switches (of which I'm looking at a set of three). It seems that, despite the odds, all three (or even two) always seem to be facing opposite directions. Down is off for one, or even two, but the third little bugger is always being contrary and seems to think that it's winning a war against gravity and turning off when you have the audacity to flip it in the up position. Now I feel I should apologize, for in all seriousness who actually cares about this up or down nonsense? However, the triviality of my unhappiness should not be cast aside, I believe that I have a right to have all three light switches in the up position!!! The inorganic little monsters should be obedient to my every desire, not taunting me from across the room with their lack of organization and rationality of design!!! At the height of my indignation and irritation with the goading of the three little brown (unfortunately since I haven't replaced them with the white ones yet, which really just makes matter worse) devils I turn my head away. Spotting the entertainment book lying nearby on the couch, I am quickly distracted by the possibility of money saving opportunities, restaurants to be tested, half off mini golf or discounts on dental exams (??). The many blessings of an attention span shorter than a cocker spaniels.

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