Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I told you I was super good at Kinect bowling, right? 
 Here are the pictures to prove it...
(Along with lots of other Abel Christmas photos.) 
(I photobombed everyone...  So I'm pretty much in every picture.  Ha.  
That was my Christmas legacy this year....)

Saturday, December 25, 2010


In case you were wondering, I am AWESOME at Kinect Bowling.  
Seriously awesome.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


My parents are coming into town tomorrow evening.  Spending the night.  Going to 2:30 church with us, and hitting the road from there.  By the time we get back to our house Steve's parents will likely be minutes away.  Steve feverishly cleaned the house today (it looks amazing!) and I've been cooking the evening away.  I've got all our meals and food worked out until Tuesday.  I have two and a half lasagnas in the oven (cross your fingers - I used cheap Aldi brand noodles, and it doesn't look promising....).  I've cooked sausage and chicken for various other meals.  Chopped ham and cubed bread for a Christmas Eve Strata.  And  Steve is cooking won ton wrappers.  I've mixed a bunch of herbs together and have them all in lovely containers just waiting to be added to other ingredients.  I'm tired.  And it's no where near time to turn in.  But at least I'll be prepared and can spend time with family instead of trying to shop and cook. 

Friday, December 17, 2010

In Love

I am officially in love with our new Washer and Dryer!  

It's amazing!
I had tons of fun doing laundry tonight.
And I don't think I've ever said that before

Monday, December 13, 2010


Fortunately, the rats did not eat our ornaments.  Although, if they had been in our basement I certainly wouldn't have put it past them.  Our ornaments have been found!  Unfortunately, they're at my parents house.  And I won't be seeing them until after Christmas.  So we're making due without any of our meaningful, favorite, and sentimental ornaments this year.  I did seem to find at least a bit of my Christmas cheer - thanks to my new favorite Etsy vendor.  I'll try to hold onto it this time.  And maybe I'll find some more lurking somewhere else.  

In other news.  Our W&D are FINALLY on their way.  Twelve debacles later.  They'll be delivered and installed on Wednesday.  I'm pretty pumped to do some laundry.  Let me know if you have and you need done.  I have actually thought about how having a fancy new washer will be super helpful when we eventually have babies, all those cloth diapers gotta get clean somehow.  Right, Mere?  I don't know if it's actually true, but I envision my W&D having all sorts of fancy settings.   I'll be able to wash anything!

In more news, Steve is still meticulously filling in holes in the basement in an effort to keep the rats out.  We haven't seen anything new that's been eaten or chewed.  So who knows, maybe it's working.  Just an FYI though - people with rats in their basements (AKA Me) don't appreciate it when other people regale them with stories of how rats can eat through lead, and steel, and chicken wire, and hard foamy stuff you fill holes in with in an effort to keep out the rats.  That sort of information is counter-productive, and it keeps me awake at night.

That's all for now.  Except that one of my favorite (old) kids at work told his mom I was his favorite.  His favorite what, I don't know.  But I'm going with it. 

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Christmas is just around the corner.  And I couldn't be farther from having Christmas cheer.  I'm not to hepped up about the impending Holiday.  We haven't even decorated yet.  And I'm not really bothered by that.  We did finally get a Christmas Tree last night.  Steve picked it out, I kind of stood around.  Steve did a fantastic job getting it all up and straight and he even strung the lights.  I conceded to decorate the tree.  But our ornaments are lost.  They're not here.  They're not at my parents.  They weren't left at the apartment.  They vanished.  So any desire I had to get in the Christmas Spirit went out the window with our decorations.  All my favorite ornaments, all the ornaments Steve and I have gotten each other - gone.  So if you happen to see a box of carefully packed ornaments lying around your house, or in the street, or in your trunk, or anywhere really, they're probably mine.  And hopefully when they're found my Christmas Spirit will be tucked inside the box with all my favorite ornaments. Until then, our tree's a little bare.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


So they Sears people might have tried and pawn off the crappy, dented, dinged, scratched, floor model Washer and Dryer on us.  Apparently a sales person "oversold" the Black Friday sale.  Whoops.  So now we're waiting on a new shipment to come in.  Ugh.

In other news, I might have purchased a pair of "skinny" pants to wear with my Uggs.  I've been spazzing because I felt as though all my pants are not quite wide enough for Uggs to go under them, and are a bit too wide to look good inside them.  Enter skinny pants.  I bought them without trying them on, brought them home to try on where no one could possibly see me in them, and now have to go back and get a different size.  I can't fathom me and skinny pants.  Watch out, the four horsemen are surely close behind.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Last week we ended up braving Black Friday and stood in line to get a new front loading Washer and Dryer.  Woo Woo!  I even conned my niece, Kameron, and my Dad into coming with us.  I'm super good at getting them to do things that don't necessarily sound fun.  I'm spoiled that way.

If you know me at all, you know that I'm super good at freaking out.  I spaz, worry, and get amazingly anxious for ninety-five percent of the events that take place in my life. Ninety-five percent of the general population wouldn't bat an eyelash for most of the things about which I panic.  (Did that make sense?)  I'll get to the me freaking out part in a minute.  

On Thanksgiving we laid out our plan about going to Sears.  Word on the Sears floor was that people were going to start showing up around two.  The Smiths and Abels had already decided to party all night long and just not bother with the whole pesky going to bed thing.  I had already laid out a massive story about how Kammers and my Dad needed to come with us because, honestly, they'd never be able to distinguish this night from every other night of their lives unless they got out there and made some memories with us.  I mean come on!  Staying up all night, waiting around in the rain, being trampled, imagine all the endless possibilities. 

Back to me freaking out.  I was like a giant cat in a small cage.  Pacing around, worrying that people were going to start showing up at Sears at ten.  Dumb, I know.  I convinced everyone that we should do a drive by at midnight.  We decided that if there were people in line we'd start our standing in line slash sleeping in the car rotation.  (That was part of the memories bargin.  Taking waiting and sleeping in shifts until four am came around.)  12:15 - Someone was already in line!  Ack!  We grabbed some chairs, laughed hysterically about who knows what, and sat down.  I took Kammers into the mall to walk around a few stores that were already open and when we came back Steve went into the mall and my Dad went to the Jeep to take a nap.  After a bit we switched.  Apparently My Dad and Steve made some friends in the line while it was the girls turn to sleep.  Finally it was almost time.  The waiting was the longest part.  We were in and out of Sears in twenty minutes.  We had gotten our ticket for the W&D outside before they opened, we took it inside and paid.  My Dad walked around and ended up impulse buying a chainsaw.  Yeah, that's my Dad.

And now Steve is outside in the garage building an awesome stand for our W&D.  Amazing!  It's all fancy, with cubbies for bins underneath.  I love storage.  I love places to put bins.  I'm super excited!  I'm excited to have a new front loading W&D, and I'm even more, so incredibly excited to have a husband who built a stand for our Washer and Dryer just so his broken wife doesn't have to bend over to do laundry ever again.  Fantastic!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Calling in Backup

It's been awhile.  Lots has happened.  But first, lets get the most important thing out of the way.  Backup has been called in concerning the downstairs situation.  The rats have summoned their little mousey friends to help them destroy us.

We caught a mouse.  In the kitchen.  Uck.  And last week I finally put our pantry food in a giant Rubbermaid container.  Yeah, the rats are eating their way through my Rubbermaid.  Awesome.  There is a giant pile of chewed plastic next to the container.  I think they'll probably break through tonight.  I'm considering letting them have the food that's in there.  Hoping they'll get stuck in the box.  Or maybe Steve can put a rat trap inside the box.  Surprise!

Uck again.

Monday, November 22, 2010

I think...

....I need to actually read The Five Love Languages because just taking the quiz online only served to make me mad.  Ugh.  I either wanted to pick both or neither.  The first time I took it I got 8s and 3s all around.  How can I have three Love Languages?  So then I took it again and it was all different.  Don't put it past me to take it a third time right before group tomorrow....  Wowzers...poor Steve.  He's gotta put up with me and my crazy.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

So I'm working on a big HP Midnight Movie post.  But in the meantime....I'm boring.

Steve and I are going to find out our Love Languages...
That should help.  Right?
So long as apologizing isn't necessary I should be golden.
That's pretty much not my area at all.

My house is clean.  Even my vacuum.
That's right - I cleaned my Dyson.
Well, most of it.
I'm still not entirely (Read: at all) sure how to get the butter out of it...
Yes, butter.
There were a few pie-making mishaps.
That's what happens when you make six pies.
And drop one.
And make another.
And almost drop that one too.

We might be doing black Friday.
Sears has a front loading washer and dryer for $600.
We're seriously considering it.
Maybe I'll go to a midnight movie and then straight to Sears.
That timing should be about right.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

T Minus Six Hours!

I might be panicked about getting the seats we like....

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Success!    We did it!  Six HP movies, one day.  Lots of scrapbooking, talking, eating, and wrapping up handmade soap.  An amazing day with amazing ladies.  I had an unbelievable amount of fun yesterday, and am exceedingly grateful that 1) Mere let me sit with her for 15 hours and 2) she didn't get sick of me.  :-)    I officially cannot wait until Thursday!

Also, check out Mere's blog Our Journey Home for her first giveaway!  Who doesn't want beautiful bracelets that help Ugandan women gain sustainability?

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Wish Us Luck

In exactly one hour and ten minutes the marathon will commence.  I'm having doubts.  Also, I didn't realize that even though we're starting at 8:30 I'd have to leave my house at 7:30 to be there on time.  Which also meant I had to get up around 6:30.  And when we're done, I have to drive an hour to get home.  And then get up early for church.  Oh geeze.  I definitely did not plan for travel time and early waking.  We'll see how it goes....

Thursday, November 11, 2010


...it's rats.  My basement is infested with rats.  Que the swearing and vomiting.  I'm disgusted beyond belief.  The exterminator came out today, talked to Steve and left.  He said we'd basically be paying him the big bucks to do exactly the same things we already did.  His solution, keep doing what we're doing and make sure we plug up every (more cursing here) hole in our basement.  

I really need to catch a break somehow. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

He Lives

Fishy Bonk is a survivor!  Turns out I didn't need that extra fish.  But now I have two fish in my room.  That look almost exactly the same.  Awesome. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Crap.  I might have just killed our class fish.  Only time will tell.  Apparently the water I put him in after cleaning his tank was too hot.  Now he's just kind of sitting around.  One of my other teachers is devastated and will definitely cry if he dies.  Crap.  They called me fish murderer.  I feel bad and am having a full on panic attack about the demise of Fishy Bonk.  I love him, but come on - it's not that serious.  I didn't run over anyone's dog.  In any case, I'll be praying fishy prayers tonight.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

What Are You Doing?

Today is Orphan Sunday.  Not all of us are called to adopt.  Not everyone has a heart for adoption.  But what I've learned recently (through the journey's of some of my best friends) is that everyone should have a heart for the orphans of the world.

Maybe you're not called to adopt, but there are so many other things you can do to lend your support to some of the 147 million orphans in the world.  147 million.  I can't even fathom.  

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27 
 "Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow." Isaiah 1:17 

I am realizing that I need to do something.  Something to defend the fatherless.  Something to help children lost in the world.  To help families raise the ransom for their children.  To help children find their forever families.  I don't know what, not yet.  But it's stirring in my heart.  A call to look after orphans, in one way or another.

What about you?  What are you doing?

Saturday, October 30, 2010

A [Babysitting] Fool

My weekend has consisted mainly of watching small children.  Two girls last night and two boys alllllll day today.  So far this weekend I have
  • Played Princess Dress-Up (Ten thousand times)
  • Read Twelve Princess Books (Three Times Each)
  • Watched Two hours of various cartoons...Shout Out to Team Umizoomi
  • Made leaf ghosts and pumpkins
  • Played beads
  • Decorated with window clings for about twenty five minutes
  • Made five tye dye shirts
  • Turned my finger green
  • And am now attempting to get two small boys to nap
Later today...Boo at the Zoo with a werewolf and red power ranger.  And Mere. Matt, and Gaby Baby Giraffe!

Woot Woot!

Maybe tomorrow I cna spend time with adults....

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hard Decisions

I was recently faced with a major life choice.

New Dress slash Work Pants....
New HP shirt for the premiere of HP 7 Part One.  

It seemed pretty straightforward.  And against my better judgment, I went with the Pants.  I know, I know.  Crazy.  I still really, really, really want an HP shirt.  But short of a semi-massive monetary windfall, that's not happening.  It actually wouldn't need to be even a semi-massive windfall.  The magical appearance of thirty dollars would about cover it.  I would ask one of the patron saints to aid me in my desire for thirty dollars, but I only know Saint Anthony.  And the only thing I know Saint Anthony for is helping you find lost things.  As far as I'm aware, I haven't lost thirty dollars.  Although, come to think of it, I usually find at least a few dollars in a Winter jacket...maybe I should check, just in case.  

And if any of you find thirty dollars, it's mine.  Anthony said so.

Friday, October 22, 2010

If You Know Me

If you know me, then you know I abhor the following (when worn by me, in public)
  • Shorts, and
  • Sweatpants
I abhor other things as well, but we're talking leg-fashion at the moment.  I absolutely refuse to own shorts to be worn in public.  I have pajama shorts and pajama pants of the sweat variety.  That's it.

Until this evening.

I officially own two pairs of yoga pants to be worn outside of my house.  [Sidebar: Calling them "Yoga Pants" also helps; it sounds much more upper-crust than "Sweatpants."  Similar to the difference between "Briefcase" and "Attache."  Subtle, but very important.]  They were far, far too comfortable to pass up.  Seriously, they're heaven for my legs. 

Prepare to see me gallivanting around town in my new yoga pants.  Maybe next year I'll  even buy some shorts...

....or not.  Definitely not.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Back to my Dad's Visit.

Steve took last week off to perform a major landscaping overhaul in our backyard.  My lovely mom even came up to help out for a few days.  [It really is too bad I couldn't get time off to help with all that physical labor....]

On Friday evening Steve and Ma were working in the yard, I was lounging and helping a tad.  We ended up talking about apple pies and my dad.  I don't know how we got on the topic, but here's the thing: My dad will do almost anything for a good apple pie.  I doubt he'd kill for one, but I wouldn't put a severe maiming past him. 

I ended up calling him to discuss pie, and when he didn't answer I left the following message:  It's Megan.  Call me back, we have urgent business to discuss.  It regards Pie.

That was all.

Forty-Five minutes later we were still sitting out back when we heard a massively loud bike cruising somewhere in the neighborhood.  Steve started laughing and commented "I bet that's your Dad.  He probably heard your message about Pie and rushed to get up here."  We all laughed, how funny would that have been.

The bike kept getting closer, and closer.  Surely coming up the street by now.  It got ridiculously loud, we all turned around.  Holy mother, my Dad was pulling into the driveway.  Mouths were definitely gaping open.  We were all staring in utter shock.

I still can't believe it.  It was the most hilarious, amazing entrance my Father has ever made.  It is Doubtful to be topped.  Ever.  Seriously.

We had an absolutely amazing evening.  Spending time together, laughing, and eating some amazing Italian food at our new favorite restaurant - Geraci's.  But mostly, I just love my Dad.  And the Fact that he would drive a few hours on his bike to visit with his Daughter for an evening.  I'm oh so glad to know that will never change.

I love my Dad.

Bad Math

Ink Pen plus Dryer equals disaster.  

Figuring out what to do is now my Sunday. 

Friday, October 8, 2010

740' Above Sea Level

When the following took place I laughed like a little girl.  And Steve laughed like big burly man.  I instantly told Steve if I could figure out how to blog the scenario I would.  Here's my attempt.

[A bit of background (possibly unnecessary).  A while ago we visited my aunt and uncle, who always feed us exceptionally well.  They are known for loving good food.  They shared with us some absolutely amazing cheese that happens to be one of my aunts favorites.  This past Wednesday whilst at Trader Joe's we spotted the very same cheese.  It was immediately added to our cart.]

Later that evening Steve was upstairs getting a movie set up for us to watch while I got together the cheese, crackers, and wine.  I might have a had a bite of cheese before taking it up to Steve.

We were talking about the difference in taste from when we had partaken of this particular cheese with my aunt and uncle.  I remarked that I was surprised because it seemed different from when I had tasted it downstairs.    His immediate response: "Maybe it's the altitude."

I almost died.  It was far more hilarious than it sounds here.  Just saying.

FYI: We decided the cheese tasted different because upstairs we were eating it with crackers and downstairs I had a bite sans cracker.  Who knew?

Friday, October 1, 2010

I LOVE it when...

...my Dad surprises us with a visit! 

Details on his hilarious arrival later.

Monday, September 27, 2010

I hate it when...

...they cancel my shows!  I wish the general public was smarter.  Stupid people equals stupid TV.  The stupid people don't watch smart shows...or they watch once and it all goes over their heads.  So then you have me, someone who actually understands smart people comedy and enjoys it far more than say...heck, I don't even know.  But I never get to watch my shows for more than two or three seasons at most because there aren't enough smart people watching smart people shows to compete with all the stupid people watching stupid people shows.

That's my rant.  I'll take a breath now...and just watch re-runs of Arrested Development, Better Off Ted, and so many others. 

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I like it when...

...I get flustered and leave my house way too ridiculously early for church.  And then get almost the entire way home from church before I realize I left a paper I need in the baby room.  So then I drive all the way back, grab my paper, and re-drive home.  

Only I don't actually like any of those things.

Also, we used way less gas when we didn't have a Social slash Church  Life.  Especially a West Side Social Life.  And a Southward Church Life.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


 We've promised never to take our wedding rings off...
we might have to.  

So they can be replaced with.....these!

Friday, September 24, 2010


I cannot get comfortable.
I am completely restless.

When I am standing, I wish I could simply sit down for a few minutes.
When I am sitting, I cannot wait to get on the move.

I long for sleep when I'm awake.  When I do sleep...it's restless.
I toss and turn.
Dream and Cry.

When I am alone I crave company.
When I am surrounded I feel as though I'm suffocating.

I'm never hungry.  I am always starving.
I cannot sit still.  I cannot move.

I want to run.  
I feel paralyzed.

I want to talk.  I can't get the words out.
I want to write.  I cannot put pen to paper.
I want everyone to know.  I wish no one did.

I want to cry. 
I wish I could go through one day without crying.
I plead with God.  I curse His name.
I shouldn't say that.  I can't help myself.

I need love and affection.  I need everyone to understand.
I want to lay down, forever.  
I want to be held.  I don't want anyone to touch me.
I want to run.
I want to hide.  

I want to sleep.
I wish I could wake up.

If only I could wake up.
If only it would all disappear.

I am reeling.
I cannot find my center.  I cannot stand up straight.
I don't know how to move.  I cannot understand.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It's been awhile

Here's the thing: there doesn't seem to be anything funny or anecdotal in my life right now.  We're living and moving and breathing, that's about it.  And that's a lot.  I have been loving work recently, because it keeps me busy.  And my kids are growing on me, day by day.  Steve is working more and has certainly been handed a lot more responsibility at work recently.  Those are the ups. 

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Remember how last time I said "Don't worry, I'll totally blog something non-HP tomorrow?"  Or some such.  That was clearly a lie.  But I'll try and do it now...

I have new kids at work.  Some of them are hilarious.  One of them has the finger-wagging, head-shaking thing down pat.  That one will be trouble.

We went for a visit with my parents this past weekend.  It was tons of fun.  We ate a lot.  I mean a lot, a lot.  Ma and I hit up a few garage sales, one of which had awesome vintage-y jewelry for cheapy cheap.  Woot woot for tons of cute accessories.  We had a cookout and fire pit at our friends Brian and Carla's house.  It was awesome, and the location of all that food consumption.  They live way out in the country and have a bit of land.  Also lots of firearms.  Which means lots of target shooting.  I'm a pretty good shot, in case you were wondering.  Seriously. I can pow-pow the heck out of some paper plates.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Can it be Done?

Its a ways off.  And I'm clearly obsessed.  I apologize, only not really.  We're going to try and watch all six HP movies in one day.

I looked it up.  Altogether they run 903 minutes.  That's fifteen hours.  I think we can do it.  And I think it'll be ridiculous, but hilarious, and memorable.  And really, what's better than that.  Don't worry, I'll update you a thousand times between now and than.  Also, I'll totally blog something no HP tomorrow.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Two Down.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - Done.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets -Done.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - About to be Started.
Things from HP II I want:
  1. A Phoenix named Fawkes.
  2. A wand, I mean seriously.
  3. A House Elf.
  4. A castle in which to attend school, 
  5. and a tower where my dorm is, 
  6. and a round room with a four poster bed with curtains.
And a quote that always makes me smile
"What have I told you? 
Never trust anything that can think for itself 
if you can't see where it keeps its brain."

Thank you Mr. Weasley for those words to live by.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

One Down.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - Done.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - About to be started.

...After I do some Romans.  
I love Paul, but I kinda love HP a little more right now.  
Don't tell Jesus I said that.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

You May Remember

You may remember that I have recently fallen in love with Midnight Movies.  At least, Midnight Movies with tons of friends and of movies that I absolutely adore.  Twilight being one, and two of my Midnight movie experiences.  Both hilarious and memorable.

Number three is quickly approaching.  The first installment of the Last Harry Potter.  Ack!  Groan.  Ugh.  I cannot fathom that its all coming to an end.  The books are over, the story is done.  But it wasn't quite final, we still had the Book Seven movies to look forward to.  HP's days are numbered.  What will we do?

To gear up I just busted out the first book.  I'll re-read all the books before November 13th.  The movie doesn't come out until the next Thursday/Friday but on the 13th a few friends and I are going to have a super-mega-HP-marathon.  All six movies in one day.  Steve doesn't think it can be done.  We're going to try.

Be warned: if you are my friend for any period of time I will try to get you immersed in A) HP or B) Midnight Movies.  Sara knows this.  I'm pretty sure I've convinced her to come to our marathon and the movie the next week.  Her husband and mine have also been wrangled in to the Midnight Movie.  {evil laugh}

Sunday, August 22, 2010

I love....

I am completely in love with them right now, 
and will eat almost anything if one of the ingredients is Avocado.  



I have a picture...in my phone.
Let's just say that Avocado Gelato sounds gross,
But is, in fact, amazingly

Loved it.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I'm quite selfish.  I have everything and more.  And yet when I see others lives being blessed in unbelievable ways my response is anger.  Anger that things come so easily to others when I have to work for them.  Anger that I don't have everything I want and more.  

And yet, I don't know anything.  I don't know the struggles of the lives of others.  I don't know what they long for and want, or what has been sacrificed to get where they are.  I don't know the prices they have paid and sorrows they have experienced.

When I sulk, and whine, and whimper about my life and its shortfalls I am immediately shown examples in my life of people who have walked much harsher roads than the one I travel.

My trials seem infinite at times.  But mostly they seem like nothing, or at least I know they should seem like nothing.  

Blessing and honor and glory raised to Him who has given me everything.  Thanks for all that is my life.  I don't recognize Him nearly enough.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Mouse(s) - Round Three

Still no mouse catching going on here.  

But everyone seems to think there is something quite disgusting living in my house.  Rats!  An infestation of rats!  Or (O)possums.  Raccoons maybe.  I suggested a bear with the hopes that's not actually living in my basement.  And after I freaked out sufficiently about the rat thing Steve said maybe it was a bunny.  What kind of freaking bunny?  The Monty Python bunny?  Because no thank you.  Then he said fine, it's chipmunks.  Also, not okay by me.  If I am going to share my house with any animals it will be ones of my choosing.  e.g. a fish or a dog.  Both of which are continually vetoed by my loving husband.  Maybe next time I ask he'll think twice before telling me no.  Because apparently animals are going to live in our house whether they are given approval or not.  Boo!

I think it's time for elevation.  I'm not exactly sure how you elevate a war againt mice.  Especially smart ones.  Ones that set traps but don't die.  And eat bags of chips.  They are strong and smart.  Jerks.  Big giant jerks.  Only hopefully not.  Because giant would mean rat, possum, or raccoon.  Although if it's mice it's legions of them.  

Get out!
Next comes glue traps and inside melting food.  And possibly a cat.  But I'm thinking it will have to be a large and very fierce one.  From the the Zoo.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Lazy Monday...Every.Day.

I need to vacuum.  
And Dust.  
And clean the kitchen.  

I did this.  
And am about to start reading. 


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Mouse(s) - An Update

Shoot.  Steve just saw the destruction of the chip bag downstairs (I had, obviously, left it for him to clean up).  His response: "Well, there's definitely something in the basement." 

Ummm....what?  "Something?"  

He thinks the entire front of the bag being eaten off was too much work for a mouse.  So now I'm afraid of a presumably large, unnamed creature.  Crapola.


We have a mouse.  At least one.  Who knows, maybe there are several.  From the looks of the damage they are inflicting on my house, there is definitely more than one.  They are decimating my food like it's their own.  I first became aware of our four-legged-caper when I went downstairs a month or so ago to grab bags of sugar, flour, and bread flour.  There were cute little holes eaten through all three bags.  Requiring that I then go out and re-purchase all three.

We set traps.  Lots of traps.  We're talking almost a dozen.

Nothing.  Nada.  Just poop.  I think they're mocking me.

I went downstairs this morning to start some laundry.  I noticed a single tortilla chip laying on the floor.  How'd that get there?  My mind ran through several scenarios before remembering we had an extra bag of chips on the shelves at the bottom of our stairs.  There isn't even a hole in the bag, the entire front of the bag has been eaten off.  Along with all but a dozen chips.  That's a lot of chips for a tiny mouse.  Also, he likes honey nut cheerios.  A lot. 

Help.  Me.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

That's Me!

This is me getting baptized! Woo Woo!
Notice what Steve called my "stressed neck."  
At least I didn't vomit.
Super exciting!
The whole thing..not the not vomiting.

Yay for being baptized!
Now lets see if the amazing Rick Duncan can remember my name sans tag...

Also, again, a giant huge thank you to my amazing Community Group who came to watch me on my big day!  If you all weren't baptized already I'd totally offer to return the favor.  You'll just have to let me witness your next big life event.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Cheap Love

Have I told you that I love Aldi?  Because I do.  Here's why: I just got

Three Cans of Kidney Beans,
Two Cans of White Beans,
Two Green Peppers,
A Head of Iceberg, and
A Bag of Baby Mixed Greens

All for a miraculously low seven dollars and two cents.

It may not be fancy but it sure is cheap.

Monday, August 9, 2010

This Weekend

This weekend I had a Family Day with my Class from Work/School.  We went to the Zoo.  I was surrounded by my kids from work and their parents all day, and it was tons of fun.  If anyone got hurt, scared, lost, cried, hungry, tired, or anything else in all the world it was not my responsibility.  Score one for me.  

Steve and I went to the Dollar theatre...again.  We are really living it up there.  I am fairly certain that we've seen more movies at the Dollar theatre in the past few months than all the movies we saw in theatres in the first three years of our marriage combined.  It's crazy.  Also, we're so cheap-skate that I wasn't allowed to get a coke at the Dollar movies.  I was thirsty, I almost died.

Steve is apparently out with his one blog post of the summer.  Despite the fact that he has some ridiculous stories from work and life and such.  One such story: A guy came in this week and withdrew fifty cents from his account.  That's it.  Fifty Cents.  Wowzas.

I'm getting ready to make more soap.  Don't you want some?  We're rolling out first some Christmas scents (it has to cure for up to six weeks, so we're getting a jump start).  Then next we're doing a Milk and Honey Soap.  I can't wait for that one.

Monday, August 2, 2010

This weekend we lived it up like we're twenty-five.  Cause you know, we are twenty-five.  Day to day, we act about eighty.  We go to bed super early, we rarely go out, and we pretty much just hang out.  but this weekend was non-stop.

My ridiculously amazing, fast growing, beautiful, hilarious niece has been visiting my parents this past week.  I love her.  My mom brought Kameron up to visit me and Steve on Friday.  I love her.  I got off work early on Friday, came home and whisked Kammers off to the Zoo.  I thought the Zoo was open until seven during the Summer...turns out we were wrong.  We ended up seeing absolutely everything in the Zoo (almost, we opted not to go to the Northern Trek.  But we saw everything else, including the Primates and Cats [alllll the way up at the top of the hill], all the African animals, and the Rain forest).  We saw everything in an hour and a half.  Whew.  If you know the CleMet Zoo, you know what a feat this was.  It was blast and it was a workout.  

Here are the highlights of my whirlwind Zoo tour with my lovely and amazing niece.

This was in the Koala house.  Louisville doesn't have Koalas 
and Kammers loves them, so we spent some time in here.

Feeding Lorikeets!  We opted to go into the
Lorikeet house at the Australian exhibit and feed them!
I told Kameron the Steve never lets me feed them, and so we
tried it out.  This might have been a bit of a fib. 
Steve has let me try to feed them before. 
But they never much liked me.

They were totally eating out of my little cup thingy!
Tree of them ending up squabbling over who was going to get fed.
And then they stole my cup.

Kameron also loves monkeys.
This one was tiny and had a bit of a messed up tail.
We felt sorry for it.
It likes lettuce.  Iceberg.

So we went to the Zoo...and saw a squirrel.
In a cage.
I don't know how it got in there, but it's certainly not getting out.
It was one of the fattest squirrels I'd ever seen.

This picture is sideways.
I apologize.
Kameron loves Monkeys.
All things Primate.
Enter Rain forest and orangutans.
This one was pissed.

These ones were happy.

Yay for the Zoo and Yay for my Love, Kammers!

I'll talk more about the rest of our weekend later....for now it's late.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Crocs and Zeebas

I love Peals Before Swine.   Mostly I find the whole Croc slash Zeeba thing Hilarious.  In case you were wondering, the guy who writes the comic has a blog.  In case you had doubts, it's hilarious.  Seriously.  Go. Here.

This particular Comic was cracking me up today.

Also, this blog entry about Grocery Division.
Scroll Down a little, You'll see it.

Monday, July 26, 2010


I did it!  I didn't throw up, pass out, drown, fall down, step in goose poop, throw up, pass out, hyperventilate, or any myriad of other things I was panicking about.  Getting baptized this weekend was amazing and I loved it and I'm super glad I did it.  I'm also super glad I did the video part, I was telling everyone I hope it was good enough to make the clips.  haha.  Only now that I'm sitting her thinking about it, I hope it's not.  Back and forth, always back and forth.  I am exceedingly grateful for for my amazing friends who came out to support and watch me this weekend.  It absolutely means the world to me that you took time out of your days to come and be a witness to my baptism.  How fun!

On another note check this out, it's stinkin' funny.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Note to Self

Don't ask a room full of two year old children if they want to come home with you.  They will follow you around whilst you gather up all your things and then refuse to be distracted.  They will cry.  Your co-workers will hate you.  

My class is officially too old, they know what it means to leave and what it means to want to go with you.  They are too young to understand the joke.  whoops.  

Also, Clifford the Big Red Dog (in person) is super scary if you are an emotional semi-shy two year old.  He is awesome if you are crazy.  Imagine the chaos of my life today when he came for a visit.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Baptized - Round Two

So yours truly over here is probably, most likely, maybe going to get baptized a week from now.  In a lake.  With a jillion people all around.  In a lake.  Here are my thoughts and concerns listed in no particular order about this whole thing. 
  1.  Did I mention the Lake Part?
  2. What do you wear to be baptized in a Lake?  All I know is, not those athletic pants that will balloon up with tons of water...thank you, Katie Nary.
  3. I don't feel like the "Baptized in a Lake" kind of girl.
  4. I don't feel like the "Baptized in church and make a video" kind of girl either.
  5. Ack.
  6. Seriously, what do I wear?
Steve and I want to join CVC, not right this very instant but its on our agenda.  In order to join, I need to be baptized.  I grew up in the Methodist church and was baptized as an infant, but need to go through the process as an adult in order to join our current church.  And I'm okay with that.  I attended a small Baptism Class today (And instantly filled out all the answers to the hand-out we received.  It was like in class when you get a fill in the blank worksheet and you get the answers as you go along, thank you Grove City for allowing me the knowledge to fill in the whole thing in about three seconds.)  Anyway, I was pretty nervous about attending the class because I already consider myself baptized.  My parents set me apart as an infant, declaring to raise me in a Christian home and raise me up in the ways of the Lord.  My fathers house was a godly one,  and my parents certainly fulfilled their promises.  

I talked to John (the elder leading the class) afterward just about my thoughts and reservations.  I, obviously, didn't want to disrespect the church and go into the whole baptism thing just because they're going to make me do it before I join anyway (which was, admittedly my initial thought several weeks ago).  I'm viewing this for what it is, an outward sign of my inward faith.  I want to publicly declare my renewed faith.  I've already been baptized, but I've also spent a pretty significant amount of time away from my faith.  A couple of years wandering the in wilderness.  But I've been listening more and more to the call of Christ in my life, and he has certainly been pursuing and calling me home since I first turned away from him.  I want this renewed life of mine to bear more and more evidences of my faith, and to me, getting baptized is just one step in a very long process of trying to Obey God's Commands.

Long story short, this weekend I guess I'm going to be a Baptized in a Lake kind of girl.  Whoa

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

How Far Can Your Husband Jump?

As previously mentioned, we love the Zoo.  We love the Zoo even more when we are with friends.  We love being silly at the Zoo, and just generally goofing around, laughing, and being ridiculous.  Our first Zoo trip of the season was with our amazing friends Matt, Meredith, and their son Gabe.  I love them, seriously.  In case I haven't gushed enough, Gabe is the happiest, smiliest baby I've ever met.  Adorable.

We had tons of fun walking around seeing all the animals, but seeing animals wasn't the highlight of the day.  The highlight came we when were int he Australian Outback.  There's a little set-up there depicting how far a Kangaroo can jump.  It compares how far different animals can jump and just how they stack up to the Kangaroo.  Mere and I strongly encouraged our husbands to give the whole thing a whorl.  I'll let you be the judge on how that turned out!  (Notice that they had to confer with each other and pictures to get it all worked out in there heads.  There was much discussion of approach, style, length, and just what kind of child could jump six feet...as the sign claimed.)

These are several of Matt's attempts at jumping, he took the running start, no shoes approach.


Steve apparently needed a bit of a break  before trying out the whole jumping thing.  He stood under the spraying water to get get his jump face on.He then proceeded to try out a few different jumping styles.  Running start versus standing jump...honestly, both were ridiculously hilarious to watch.