Darling, you are officially Four Months old! I truly cannot believe that four months ago you turned our world upside down. We certainly lucked out with you. From day one you have been a happy, smiley, calm, all-around-pleasant boy. At Four Months you can roll over from belly to back (Although you absolutely choose when and where you accomplish this feat). Sometimes you can almost make it from your back to your belly. You get over on your side, but your legs are normally furled up and so you just fall back to your back after a few moments.
These latter "almost rolls" usually happen when you're nakie. Being naked is one of your absolute most favorite things in the world. Daddy and I let you hang out nakie in the mornings or at night to get you all aired out and let your baby buns dry. Also, because it's hilarious to see how happy you are. You are (almost) never more active than when you're without clothes. You kick and squirm and wave your arms and wiggle like nothing else. I adore it.
You make all kinds of noises and talk to us, we love hearing your version of the story. You know all your vowels and have started working on the important consonants.
You know how to laugh, cute little baby laughs. Sometimes you want so much to laugh or talk, but you just can't get any noise out. You open your mouth as wide as can be and bobble your head around, eyes gleaming. It's amazing to see you so happy.
You sleep a solid 10-12 hours for Mama, and she is forever grateful. It only took a few nights of letting you fuss/cry to get here. It was sooooo hard. I hated hearing you so sad in your room. But I'm fairly certain everyone is the happier for getting to this stage.
Can you see that you also know how to raise your eyebrows? You have a hugely expressive forehead. Your brows go up all high and you get old man wrinkles. Sometimes you even quizzically raise one eyebrow, Every time I feel as though you're asking "Really now?"
We're still right on track with all of your month/week pictures! You are getting funnier with them too. You like to crinkle your papers and you almost always smile now. Daddy and I make absolute fools of ourselves for several minutes, even after we get a few good shots of you - because we love so much to see you smile. Your eyes get so big and your mouth opens so wide! You sit up really well in the corner of the chair now...mostly. hehe. This time, after a few minutes you started to
s l o w l y
fall over. It was hilarious. You kept inching sideways, a huge grin on your face the whole time. "Hey Guys! Look at me! I have no idea what's happening, but I'm happy about it!"I love you, darling. Happy Four Months! I cannot wait to see what you do next!