Tuesday, December 27, 2011


So, My niece is pretty amazing.  She's wonderful and I love her with all my heart.  I was on Facebook the other day and saw a post that Kameron had started a blog.  Check it out - my heart melted when I read it.  Kameron is becoming such a caring, concerned, and righteous young lady.  What sixteen year old do you know who asks for gifts that give back for Christmas?  What sixteen year old do you know that starts an amazing family tradition with her little sisters - a tradition of making birthday cards for Jesus on Christmas Eve.  Kameron wants to make sure that her sisters grow up knowing what Christmas is about.  I am beyond proud of my niece, and I'm pretty sure as soon as Eli can color we'll be making Birthday cards for Jesus.  I'm inspired, how about you?

Friday, December 23, 2011

In case you were wondering, we're up to six baths where E has peed on me.  Steve said that I'll actually be sad when he doesn't do it, and I think he's right.  :-P

In other news, Eli got an awesome hat from Mimi and Papa for Christmas.  Check it out.  (The last one is my favorite for sure.)  Also, as soon as I have access to my scanner you'll get to see the best baby/Santa pic ever.  Props to my Dad for making Santa pose. 

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Count

You know how companies will have counts for how many days they've gone without and on-site accident or some such?  Well, we're counting how many baths in a row Eli can pee on me.  So far - 3.  He likes to mix it up though, it never happens during the same step in the whole bathing process - keep me on my toes.

Also, he's getting better at bath time, he didn't cry yesterday, just a few little squeaks.  He does hate lotioning up afterwards though - it makes him go purple he screams so much.  Two steps forward, one step back.  :-)

Friday, December 9, 2011


Eli is not so much a fan of bath time, or water in general. He tries his best to get away...which hasn't yet worked out for him. Oddly enough, the only part of bath time he doesn't seem to mind is getting his hair washed - which was always what I hated most. Also, I love all things water. Hopefully he'll get over this particular aversion, otherwise who will go swimming with me?

Thursday, December 8, 2011


In the words of his father, this was Eli's first staring match.  Steve said the giraffe won...but that's only because Eli got bored and fell asleep.  :-)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

An Eli Fix

This is how we rock at night.  All bundled up and smiling, if you can make it out.  Little guy falls completely asleep being rocked, or eating, or any number of other things.  He snores.  But the second you lay him down - presto - he's awake!  He only does this the first time down, he's pretty easy to put down throughout the night. *Knock on Wood*

One of my kids at work bough Eli this absolutely amazing sweater.  Seriously, isn't it about the best thing ever?  It's got a rolled collar...and elbow patches!  Expect to see him in this a ton in the next few weeks, I'm officially putting him in it once a week until he outgrows it.  I mean, come on!  On the way home from our Community Group this week  (to which he wore said awesome outfit) Steve referenced "the ninety year old in the backseat."  Because he totally looks like  a little old man, and I love every second of it.

This is Eli seconds after he rolled over for the first time yesterday.  Whoa.  I might have almost cried.  Even though I completely understand it was a fluke.  Also because I missed it.  *sad face*  Eli was doing tummy time with Daddy, and he apparently had enough.  Steve said he just kind of pushed up and flung himself over, crying ensued.  I guess that's what happens when your arm gets stuck at just the right angle and you push with all your baby might.  Hopefully I'll catch the next roll.