I didn't think it would ever happen...but a few people have balked that there's been no legitimate updates on the blog. So here we go...
Looking back, I haven't put pictures up since before the baby shower. Here's a pic from that...it was super fun and I love everyone. Mere and Sondra were amazing, as always. And Ann avoided stabbing me with a pin while trying to attach my corsage. I was clearly worried, as evidenced by my face.
Here's my belly semi-recently. It seems so long ago that it was little. It's giant now. Again, my face clearly says "Argh! Huge!" Also, I got a flu shot. Yay! Only it kinda stunk. I completely, totally, and honestly love the nurse at work. But out of the twenty-five flu shots she administered, mine was the only one that got jacked up. I had to, in essence, get two. That wasn't fun, but it's okay, I got a rockin' band-aid.

Daytona Beach! Steve and I are terrible at taking pictures. I mostly mooch them off of other people and steal them from Facebook. We need to get better at that, like right now. We only took a few shots of me and my awesome maternity suit, because I loved the suit and was feeling pretty darn good about my belly. That changed as soon as I got home and went to the doctor and the lady that weighed me yelled at me. That part wasn't fun at all. She was mad because I gained five pounds in three weeks, and I was kinda mad too. But then I realized those five pounds took me up to a whopping 24lbs total, in eight months. Not bad, eh? So forget you, angry OB weigh-er lady.
Lastly, this weekend.
The city of South Euclid said we needed to paint our house. So we did. Well, Steve and my Mom did. Have I mentioned how awesome my husband and mother are? My mom is amazing, she's been helping out these past months so much, and to come paint my house - I mean come on! How much more amazing can you get. And Steve, well he picked out the house paint almost entirely by himself, and was solely responsible for painting the front of our house. It completely sucked and was super hard work, but he did a phenomenal job. Also, we took a time-out on Sunday morning to go watch a friend run the Towpath Marathon. It was as close as Steve or I will ever come to a marathon of any sort. Unfortunately, we could only swing seeing Mike at the first checkpoint, he looked good at mile three (hehe. But seriously, some people at mile three looked downright exhausted...not a good sign). I was fun to cheer Mike on with his family, and we were a bit envious of the caravan action that was going to take place to see him and his running buddy Steve at all the other checkpoints. We're kind of hoping he'll run another marathon in the future so we can tag along for a full morning of spectator fun.

The extent of our participation in a marathon.
Our House Before...
Our Green House! It looks amazing,
way better than my inadequate pictures
portray. Stop by and see it for yourself....
So that's pretty much it. Except I went to the doctor today, and this babe is nice and dropped. Whoa, did I mention we're going to be parents soon? Ack.