We were doing a super good job taking baby belly pictures every week....until we hit the late twenties. Ack! It's still getting bigger though, don't worry. Andy my lungs are getting smaller, and my stomach too. I'm pretty sure the little guy has officially wedged himself into the position he'll be occupying for the remainder of our time as one unit.** If that's the case we'll schedule a birth day for him as soon as I get back from Vacation. Which is starting this weekend. *sigh* I definitely need some beach time. And little guy is looking forward to his first tan.
**This whole pregnancy thing is weirdo. Also, kind of parasitic. A few weeks ago I was talking to Steve and went to say that the babe and I have a symbiotic relationship since we're attached and all. But really, He's just taking what he needs, and I keep giving, and he keeps growing and taking. And I'm okay with that set-up. I'm just glad it's not the kind of parasitic relationship where the parasite sucks the very life out of the host. Although I don't think he feels breathing is a necessity for me anymore. (And all you out there, don't be cheesy and tell me it's symbiotic because he's giving me love and warm fuzzy feelings. That doesn't count for this analogy. :-P )