...That's how long it's been since my last snow delay.
Until today that is.
I got to go in to work three hours late today.
I got out at the same time.
And I definitely got paid for a full day.
Here's hoping it happens again...
...but sooner than seven years from now.
Also, Steve had the day off today.
He was up to some major home renovations.
Most of which had to do with blockading out rodents.
I never told you what happened.
Here's the deal...
The rats started coming upstairs. THEY CLIMBED THE STAIRS! They ate the wrapping off part of Steve's birthday present from his parents. And they drug a bag of potatoes down the steps. Ahhhh!!!! But hold on, it gets worse. We went to church on Sunday and whilst helping with the babies I looked for lotion in my purse. I could not find it anywhere. Mind you, I had switched purses the night before, so I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt it was in there. Whatever. la. de. da. I went about my business thinking it had fallen out in the car or some such. We got home...I looked down the steps and my lotion was right next to the bag of potatoes. AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE RATS GOT IN MY PURSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IN. MY. PURSE! I am still utterly and completely outraged. I mean, being in the basement is one thing. Coming up the stairs is another entirely. But going in my purse? I mean COME ON!
So today Steve kept plugging away at all the renovations downstairs. We'll probably start waterproofing the basement this weekend. And he also pulled up carpet in the family room, used a circular saw to cut up the floor, and barricaded the h-e-double-l out of the gap he found between the addition and the rest of the house. Here's hoping it works. Because I'm guessing next stop for the rats is my room, where they will surely start eating us alive.
Anyway, so much for a nice happy post about a snow delay.
Sleep well...
...and don't leave your bags lying around...