Sunday, January 30, 2011


So we accidentally committed to re-doing our basement.  
Complete, accidental over-hall. 

Goodbye paneling.  Goodbye Carpet.  
Hello waterproofing paint on cinderblock wall.
Hello insulation, and pretty paneling.
This is a lot of work for an accident.

Fun Nights

We had a pretty great week.  We got our elliptical all set up (and I've been a maniac with it.  Doing at least an hour everyday...which is amazing considering I've never worked out consistently in my entire life.  I'm turning a leaf people).  

On Friday we had some awesome people from our Community Group over for Dinner, Desert, and Kinect.  It was hilarious.  I love being able to spend time with friends; we had such fun laughing, talking, eating, and watching our husbands sweat like crazy from Kinect Track and Field events.  We love our Community Group, joining has really done wonders in so many aspects of our lives.

Saturday I went out with a couple parents I know from work for Dinner and a Movie.  Again, super fun.  We went to the theatre on Cedar and Lee to watch the King's Speech.  Highly recommend seeing it.  We had all heard great things about it, but none of us quite knew what to expect.  And even after seeing it, I can't tell you quite what to expect.  Just that it was remarkable, definitely one of my favorites in a really long time.  We went to Cafe Tandoor for yummy Indian food after the movie, I'm pretty sure I'll be going back again sometime soon.  Delicious!

Today we're heading over to the ole' Home Depot to get some paint for our basement.  That way we have it for the next time  Steve has a Saturday off.  That'll be our weekend project, paint the basement and build some closets down there.  Sounds like more fun, right?

Later I'll have a rodent update for you.  Prepare to freak out, because I am.  Seriously.  

Monday, January 24, 2011

Bring on the Fun

Major purchase alert: we just bought an elliptical.  Enter major exercising.  I'm super excited!  Especially since its a form of exercise I can actually do.  Since ellipticals are low-impact, and the one we got is extra easy on your hips and lower back I'm excited.  I am not so much excited about where we're going to put it.  As of right now it's going to live in the family room.  Bah.  It's pretty giant, so that's gonna be rough for me.  Especially since mess and clutter seem to send me into a tizzy.  Ack!  I'll let you know how the exercising goes, here's hoping I'm in shape by next week.  Or sometime soon thereafter.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Summer, anyone?  I know I'm ready.  Although I'm doing better than normal for this time of year.  But if we could get a Narnia-style thaw soon, that would be lovely.  Let me know if you see one on the rise.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


My pictures came.  The nice people at the picture place overnighted a new order to me.  Then the old ones promptly showed up at my doorstep.  The same day.  Both.  Bah.  

Today I gave a lovely training at work.  I didn't even freak out about it at all!  Maybe I am getting all my neuroses under control.
Lastly, I asked Steve if we could take my car into the shop tomorrow.  It's getting funky and acting weird when it shifts.  He said no.  Because he thinks its the transmission going....I think I might need to worry a bit about that...

Side Note: Every time I pick font for here I choose "Trebuchet."  Because in my head I say it kinda like "Debussy" (it doesn't work exactly...but sorta).  Because it reminds me of Twilight, and that makes me happy.  Speaking of Harry Potter, (I switched book series) I scrapbooked some pictures from HP7 P1 on Saturday.  Exciting!!!  Only six more months until P2!  We might have a few more people join the ranks for that outing....peer pressure.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Picture Panic

Ack!  I ordered pictures online f-o-r-e-v-e-r ago and they still aren't here!  I emailed the customer service people and told them I was in dire need of my pictures by this weekend, ....which was not an exaggeration.  If they don't come soon I'll either have to get them from an actual store or scrapbook for someone else.  Hmmm....

Let it be noted, that for once in my life I'm not quite in total panic mode yet.  I haven't had a panic attack, just verging somewhere near the precipice.  Progress?  or Fluke?  (Personally if I were you, I'd lay money on fluke.)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Did You Know...

...Betta fish are apparently picky eaters.  

Firstly, Did You Know we have a Betta?  He's our first official pet.  I've been begging for a puppy.  That wish is pretty much dead in the water.  So I started begging for a fish.  Steve said they were a dumb pet because they don't do anything.  But I finally won out, and we have a fish.  His name is Blu Manchu.  Blu Man for short.  Steve named him.  It's pretty funny.  We think so anyway.

So back to the eating thing....  I had read that Betta can be kinda picky about food when we first got Blu Man.  But he seemed to do just fine with eating.  Until earlier this week.  I ran to the store to get him more food, and just grabbed some pellets.  Well, apparently they're different pellets than we got before.  Dumb fish (I say that with all manner of love and affection) hasn't eaten in three days.  I'm getting worried.  I hope he eats soon.  I also think at this point even if I went and got him his other food, he wouldn't like that now anyway.  He's acting like a petulant child.  But he sure is cute.  I've been saying fishy prayers for him to get over his new food anxiety pretty soon.  I hope it works.

Also, I shared the fishy gospel with him pretty early in our relationship.  So expect to see Blu Man in a gorgeous bowl in my heavenly castle.  He'll totally be there.  And he won't be picky about food anymore.

Isn't he adorable?  He got a few plants for Christmas, and is totally loving them.  And yes, I'm a little nutty about our fish.  Alan (Steve's Dad) said he would never have expected someone to interact so much with a fish.  But I swear he knows me, and his food bag, and gets all excited when you spend some time looking into his tank talking to him. 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

First Ever

Three years into our relationship with Cleveland and tonight we are going to our first official Cavs game.  Woo Woo!  I'm trying to mentally prepare myself.  I've heard it's nuts.  We'll see.  I'm stoked.  Yes, stoked.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Starting off the New Year Right

We're starting things off right today.  Firstly, Steve and I have set a goal of completing our Church Bible Reading Plan together.  We want to read through 365 Key chapters in the Bible together.  Last year we each made some strides growing in our individual faiths.  And while we certainly need to continue in that vain, this year we want to try and grow together in faith as well.  We'll see how that goes.  :-)  So far, so good though.  Genesis 1, baby.  We definitely read Genesis 1 this morning.   

Also, we started cleaning up in the basement a bit.  I've gotten lax about making Steve inspect every corner of the basement before I venture down there.  You  know, in case there's a rat.  But for months on end now, there has been no sign of a rat in a trap.  So I got lax.  I started walking into the basement on my ow.  Unattended.   Then I got even more bold.  I stopped sticking to the middle of the road.  I started walking the perimeter of the basement..  (That's where the rats like to play.)  Well, I got my just desserts today.  We were cleaning, I was wandering, I started squealing.  And dancing around.  And freaking out, and squealing and (according to Steve) flailing around like a peacock.  Yes, my friends.  I found our very first dead rat.  I've got the shakes just thinking about it.  It was yucky.  I am a girl.  

The score is nowhere near even.  The rats are still beating us, but at least we know one of them was dumb enough to get caught.  Here's hoping they're getting just as lax as I was.  2011 is going the be the year we caught ourselves some rats.  And read the bible.  But mostly the rat thing.