Monday, September 27, 2010

I hate it when...

...they cancel my shows!  I wish the general public was smarter.  Stupid people equals stupid TV.  The stupid people don't watch smart shows...or they watch once and it all goes over their heads.  So then you have me, someone who actually understands smart people comedy and enjoys it far more than say...heck, I don't even know.  But I never get to watch my shows for more than two or three seasons at most because there aren't enough smart people watching smart people shows to compete with all the stupid people watching stupid people shows.

That's my rant.  I'll take a breath now...and just watch re-runs of Arrested Development, Better Off Ted, and so many others. 

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I like it when...

...I get flustered and leave my house way too ridiculously early for church.  And then get almost the entire way home from church before I realize I left a paper I need in the baby room.  So then I drive all the way back, grab my paper, and re-drive home.  

Only I don't actually like any of those things.

Also, we used way less gas when we didn't have a Social slash Church  Life.  Especially a West Side Social Life.  And a Southward Church Life.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


 We've promised never to take our wedding rings off...
we might have to.  

So they can be replaced with.....these!

Friday, September 24, 2010


I cannot get comfortable.
I am completely restless.

When I am standing, I wish I could simply sit down for a few minutes.
When I am sitting, I cannot wait to get on the move.

I long for sleep when I'm awake.  When I do's restless.
I toss and turn.
Dream and Cry.

When I am alone I crave company.
When I am surrounded I feel as though I'm suffocating.

I'm never hungry.  I am always starving.
I cannot sit still.  I cannot move.

I want to run.  
I feel paralyzed.

I want to talk.  I can't get the words out.
I want to write.  I cannot put pen to paper.
I want everyone to know.  I wish no one did.

I want to cry. 
I wish I could go through one day without crying.
I plead with God.  I curse His name.
I shouldn't say that.  I can't help myself.

I need love and affection.  I need everyone to understand.
I want to lay down, forever.  
I want to be held.  I don't want anyone to touch me.
I want to run.
I want to hide.  

I want to sleep.
I wish I could wake up.

If only I could wake up.
If only it would all disappear.

I am reeling.
I cannot find my center.  I cannot stand up straight.
I don't know how to move.  I cannot understand.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It's been awhile

Here's the thing: there doesn't seem to be anything funny or anecdotal in my life right now.  We're living and moving and breathing, that's about it.  And that's a lot.  I have been loving work recently, because it keeps me busy.  And my kids are growing on me, day by day.  Steve is working more and has certainly been handed a lot more responsibility at work recently.  Those are the ups. 

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Remember how last time I said "Don't worry, I'll totally blog something non-HP tomorrow?"  Or some such.  That was clearly a lie.  But I'll try and do it now...

I have new kids at work.  Some of them are hilarious.  One of them has the finger-wagging, head-shaking thing down pat.  That one will be trouble.

We went for a visit with my parents this past weekend.  It was tons of fun.  We ate a lot.  I mean a lot, a lot.  Ma and I hit up a few garage sales, one of which had awesome vintage-y jewelry for cheapy cheap.  Woot woot for tons of cute accessories.  We had a cookout and fire pit at our friends Brian and Carla's house.  It was awesome, and the location of all that food consumption.  They live way out in the country and have a bit of land.  Also lots of firearms.  Which means lots of target shooting.  I'm a pretty good shot, in case you were wondering.  Seriously. I can pow-pow the heck out of some paper plates.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Can it be Done?

Its a ways off.  And I'm clearly obsessed.  I apologize, only not really.  We're going to try and watch all six HP movies in one day.

I looked it up.  Altogether they run 903 minutes.  That's fifteen hours.  I think we can do it.  And I think it'll be ridiculous, but hilarious, and memorable.  And really, what's better than that.  Don't worry, I'll update you a thousand times between now and than.  Also, I'll totally blog something no HP tomorrow.